Privacy Statement

We are the Company MAUBOUSSIN, a simplified joint-stock company, which is identified at the Commercial and Companies Registry under the number 542 106 307 RCS Paris, with a capital of 104.728.000 €, and whose registered office is at 31, rue Cambacérès – 75008 PARIS (Hereinafter « Us »).

The customer relationship we have with you when you buy in our stores or online on our Website, puts you in the position of a Customer (Hereinafter « You ») and brings us, in order to serve you and to communicate with you, to collect your personnel data, this with your agreement and in strict compliance with preliminary formalities required by the law and specifically the Data Protection Act of January 6th, 1978, modified in 2004.

The law regarding the personal data protection is currently being amended and will enter into force on the 25th of May, 2018.

The present Privacy Statement has been updated and enter into force on the 3rd of May, 2018.

This Privacy Statement reflects your new rights and updates the way we process your personal data.

You must read this Privacy Statement in its entirety in order to completely understand on what we focus to collect personal data, the way we use it, where we store it and persons to whom we disclose it.

Other Privacy Statements could also apply when we process your personal data in another context than the client relationship. In particular when you use our Website, our online General Terms and Conditions and our cookies policy apply.

We are committed to protect your personal data and your right to a private life. We will always keep your personal data safe and always be compliant with the law then in force protecting personal data.

Regarding personal data, the law gives you some rights. You can have other information and advices about your rights by asking to the protection data’s authorities in your country.


Rights : What are they ?

1.     Right of information

You have the right of receiving clear, transparent and understandable information regarding the use of your personal data and your rights. This is the reason why we give you the information written in this Privacy Statement.

2.     Right of access

You have the right to access your personal data (if we use it) and to other information (of the same nature as the information provided in the present Privacy Statement). In order for you to be informed that we use your personal data and to be able to verify that we do it in compliance with the data protection’s law.

3.     Right of rectification

You can ask for your personal data to be corrected if ever they are inaccurate or uncomplete.

4.     Right of opposition and deletion

Also known as « the right to be forgotten », this right enables you to ask for the suppression or the erasure of your personal data as long as there is no imperative reason for us to keep using it. This right of deletion has no general scope. There are exceptions.

5.     Right to limit the use

You have certain rights allowing you to « block » or suspend any new use of your personal data. When your personal data use has been restricted, we still can stock it, but we cannot use it. We keep a list of the persons who asked for their personal data use to be blocked, in order to provide the respect of this restriction for the future.

7.     Right to object to data treatment

You have the right to object to the use of your personal data for possible direct marketing purposes (that we only use with your consent) and for any other purpose in our own legitimate purpose.

8.     Right of claim

Your are entitled to make a claim for the way we manage and process your personal data, with the competent authorities for personal data in your country.

9.     Withdrawal of consent

If you have given your express consent in order to authorize us to process your personal data in a certain way, you can at any time, revoke your consent (even thought this withdrawal doesn’t have a retroactive effect on what we may have done with your personal data between the time you gave your consent and your consent’s withdrawal). The scope of this withdrawal shall also extend to the use of your personal data for direct marketing purposes.


We collect personal data you gave us as part of our customer relationship and also additional data that you occasionally gave us in order to update the ones you gave us earlier. These personal data include your first name, last name, address, place of residence, gender, date of birth, email address, number of telephone (fixed line and mobile) and any other necessary information to contact you and have your order history.

We can also combine these personal data with other personal data we have about you from your interactions with us (for instance, through our application or our website).

Furthermore, we can combine all your personal data with other personal data held by partners we selected and whom you authorized sharing your personal data with outsiders vendors, in compliance with their own privacy statement and the preferences you selected. We operate this way in order to know better the kind of offer that may interest you.

When we interact with you (for instance, when you come to one of our stores or on our online website), we can be aware of certain information about you that don’t step necessarily in one of the categories above-mentioned. We can record this information in order to be sure that we keep in memory all information considered important by you for our future interactions. We ensure that a limited number of authorized persons have access to these personal data and we won’t use it for any other purpose than the development of the privileged relation we formed with the valued customer you are.

Personal data we collected in the event of our customer relationship with you are to be exploited by us and you allow us to store this data in our system memory. These data are required to the passation, the opening, the holding and the functioning of purchases or orders you placed and services you associate to. Personal data may be computerized processed, for purposes and conditions as specified below.

We exploit personal data as the responsible for processing, for the following purposes, which also are the legal basis of their collect and the conjunction of our legitimate interest :

  • Customer insight,
  • Customer relationship management (including sending emailings, sms mailings, newsletters, quality quiz, periodic brochures, promotional information) and customer loyalty,
  • Evaluation of matching and appropriate loyalty customer’s services provided,
  • Buying in shops or online of products and services and evidence management,
  • Payment facilities granted you asked,
  • Applicable rules’ management for the protection of the consumer,
  • Products’ management,
  • Recovery,
  • Prospection (subject to applicable laws in this matter),
  • Commercial animations,
  • Customer service,
  • Statistical studies,
  • Sales policy’ evaluation and management,
  • Security and prevention of unpaid and fraud,
  • Legal obligations and regulations’ respect.

We keep your personal data as long as you continue having interactions with us (for instance, if you read or click on an e-mail we sent you, buy in one of our stores or online). If there is no interaction with you during 3 years, we will try to contact you in order to be sure that you still want to be considered as our Customer.

In order to be compliant with applicable laws and regulations, we sometimes have to communicate informations to judicial or administrative authorities.

Furthermore, you expressly allow us to share your personal data and their updates with the following outsiders :

  • Our subcontractors or partners regarding payment facilities or providing loyalty customer’s services, for purpose of these activities ;
  • Our partners thanks to whom you profit our promotional offers ;
  • Mediators, court officers, ministerial officers ;
  • For recovery, agencies we contracted with, including preliminary studies before contract conclusion ;

You also allow us to communicate your personal data (for investigation’s needs) to survey institutes or polling organization, acting exclusively for ourself, knowing that you don’t have to answer them and your pernonal data are destroyed after treatment.

Hereby, you expressly allow us to communicate your personal data to any natural person or legal entity of our group, for purpose of commercial management.

These communications may cause a personal data transfer out of France, we took the necessary measures in order to ensure these informations’ confidentiality. Personal data you gave us may, during some various operations, be subject to a transfer in another country of the European Union or outside the European Union. This identifiable information may be communicated, at the request of official agencies and to administrative or legal authorities.

You can also at any time, under the law, with a proof of your identity, access information about you, correct, or oppose to the communication of your personal data to a third party, or oppose the use by us of your personal data for commercial purposes, by simple letter (MAUBOUSSIN – Service informatique, 31 rue Cambacérès, 75008 Paris) and to any other address specified in the offer or the contract. Stamp fees will be redeemed after your simple request. Furthermore, you have the right to sign up for a free subscription to the opposition list for telephone solicitation BLOCTEL online Consumers who are registered on this list can’t be contacted by telephone by a professional except if there is a preexisting contractual relationship.

We must follow up requests we received and freely inform, except when the request is clearly baseless or abusive (in particular because of its repetitive nature), in which case, we may charge for reasonable fees. However, in the case of an abusive request, we have the right not to follow up the request.

If you want to contact us for any reason, (including to assert your rights taking into account the legislation on data protection as mentioned above) please contact us : [email protected]